Royal Decree-law 4/2014, of March the 7th , which instigated urgent measures in refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt (BOE, number. 58, of March the 08th ,2014)

Mar 8, 2014 | Lagares News

The Royal Decree-law 4/2014, of March the 7th, (published in the BOE On March the 8th), which instigates urgent measures in refinancing and restructuring corporate debt, certainly opens the possibility of surviving to hundreds of businesses with economic viability.


Among other novelties, we outstand the following: after the Communication to the Mercantile Court is met, it is permitted to stop the ongoing judicial executions. Also, cash contributions immersed in refinancing agreements are protected by considering the contribution as claims against the estate of the bankrupt, for which they are payable following the oldest maturities and will be paid out of its estate.